The international law of the sea border dispute in natuna
Hello everyone welcome back again to my channel before watching this video don't forget to like comment and subscribe now let's start this video the international law of the sea butter dispute in natuna waters concerning sea natural resources in water portal base the total area of the sea is two-thirds of the Earth's territory and provides 97 percent of all life on Earth sea water is a place for living and it develops a wide variety of living creators but feasible and invisible in addition the sea also supports the life and existence of men King by providing maximum benefits and uses for human life it is right to say that the natural resources there in contained intrinsic values namely assets or economics wealth for prison and future generation the higher the Marine biodiversity is the more economic potential the water has this condition is very easily reflected because it is directly proportional natural resources which are located in the fixed natural resources which are located in the vicinity of boundary areas of the sea transponding natural resources are often referred to as cross-border natural resources can be classified as a transpondary natural resources which is located under the seabed extending from the boundary of the two sides of the continental shelf hence the natural resources can be exploited from the other party's continental shelf either partially or completely specifically in Indonesia such as area exposed in many different locations these water borders area contain natural resources which are very potential to be developed and used as basic capital and opportunities to accelerate
Regional development strengthening resilience and so on therefore it is not surprising if there are frequent disputed between countries related to the territorial Waters that is promising as the potential of Natural Resources for Indonesia many aspects of international law have not been able to reflect the rules of chewing of joint use of international sea areas especially important areas this can be seen from various problems these problems include The Enclave distribution of resources right in marital areas various unclear sea boundary issues with neighboring countries problem of cooperation in the scope of Maritime security and agreements to exchange prisoners of fishermen between countries including the utilizing including the utilization utilization of the biological researchers in it adding to this problem is the following issues self-made life illegal and reported an unregulated fishing where many of the proceeds of crime are proud and fully utilized by foreign countries and other problems related to the Sea area the maritime law in Indonesia to provide sovereignty in its water borders the sea especially the ocean has official characteristics for human as far as the law of the sea the law means a series of Regulation regarding the behavior of peoples are as members of the community and aims to establish order among the members of the community the sea is the first expanse of water between various continents and islands in the world because Indonesia studied because Indonesia's territory consists of 60 of the territorial Waters or ocean the condition of the Indonesian archipelago is all is also elaborated the identification of island in Indonesia has successfully confirmed the the number of islands in Indonesia as 70 000 5508 Island among this island there are 7000 1353 have named while 10 155 are animal unnamed Island out of the name Island 67 Island are directly a champion to neighboring countries and 11 of them are located on the other Island which requires special attention the 11 outermost island in Indonesia are scaton Island and natuna Island in real Island province Island and miangas island in North sulabasi province funny Island and vanilla Island in pahala island in Papua
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Province Rondo Island in nangro Ajay darussalam or nrj bihala Island in Province Sumatra Nipa Island in Rio province in fact Indonesia has territory directly a chainsaw two neighboring countries or a territory that is not directly portraited as is the case with the People's Republic of China or plc there is a differences of fields between the state of Indonesia and the other countries mentioned above regarding water boundaries these differences in fields have led to disputes with the countries mentioned above the cases in the waters of natuna Island in mid-January 2020 had profit to us understanding maritime law in general can be interpreted as love relating everything that is related in the history of the Anglo-Saxon legal system meritime law is translated by the term admiralty law the term means matter counseling the handling of legal mattress concerning Maritime by a court of mirrors meanwhile in another world sense maritime law is in terms of the term shipping shipping skip vertex cease transport law the equal the equivalent term is not appropriate because the scope of understanding of maritime law is more differs than the terminology of shipping or sea Transportation law understanding meritime law according to Plex particularly relates to Commerce and navigations to ship and shipping to cement to the transportation of person and property by C and Marine Affairs generally the love relating to Harvard Sip and semen the important branch of the commercial law of meritimation is divided into a variety of departments such as those about Harbors property of ships duties and right of matters and Seaman contracts afraid average Salvage and so on having understood the married team law above there are several focal points of meritime love to state the focal point is in the interest of whom the meritime law was created those maritime law which focus on issues are a wrong trade navigation at Sea and everything that covers accommodates the mindset of the utilized tarianism utilitarianism is the legal town that prioritize the actual interests of each individuals so that the state is only an ember diamond is only an embodiment of the actual interest of each its citizens this is what causes a lot of distortions and
problems within law enforcement it can be understood that the result of law enforcement based on actual interest is digestive function is justification of action that are international in nature are sensitive to claims that are empirical or require proof based on the up based on the above understanding the scope of maritime law includes matters relating to ships matters concerning the sea port of these ships matters about shipbuilding or ship industry and the aspect of civil law and public law from the things mentioned above the Mind function the Mind function of medical law are formulated in the issues the main function of meritime law are formulated in the issuance of the Escape economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific Bankok guidelines for maritime legislation first many team law provides the local framework for maritime transport the carrying out of a state's foreign trade second maritime law implements the basic objective of State as a port State and Coastal State and the last maritime law may serve the achievement of certain economic purpose okay everyone that's all this article today thank you so much for watching until the next one bye
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