Maritime law policy analysis regarding illegal fishing
Maritime law policy analysis regarding illegal fishing
hello everyone welcome back again to my channel before watching this video don't forget to like comment and subscribe now let's start this video Indonesia has an area of marine Motors that reaches 5.8 billion kilometers where the dominance of the sea consists of the territorial sea is 0.3 million kilometer the archipelagic sea is 2.95 million kilometers and the exclusive economic zone area is 2.55 kilometer from acute political point of view Indonesia also has a strategic role because it is directly flanked by two continents namely the continents of Asia and Australia and is located between the Pacific and Indian oceans not surprisingly Indonesia is able to become the world's Maritime axis and become a pride to connecting global trade between the Pacific and Australia broadly speaking the potential of Indonesia's marine fish research is estimated at 12.54 million tons per year spread over Indonesian territorial Waters and exclusive economic zone Waters the area of coral reefs belonging to Indonesia that has been mapped reached 25 000 kilometers but coral reefs are in very good condition only 5.3 percent good condition 27.18 percent why it could 37.25 percent and not good 30.45 percent the Indonesian Series has about 850 hundred spacious office 555th species of seaweed and 90 and 950 coral reef Toyota fish resources in Indonesia seeds cover 37 percent of the fish species in the world the authors will conduct two reviews namely a review of the uretical aspect of Indonesia's Maritime policy during the pandemic related to the supervision of illegal featuring activities and
the strategy for implementing policies in the midst of the pandemic to maintain the stability of the security of Indonesian Waters aspect of Indonesian sovereignty as an archipelagic country began with the 200 Declaration of December 13 1970 aspect of Indonesia's sovereignty as an archipelagic country began with the 200 Declaration of December 13 1957 which was stipulated in love number four PRP 1960 concerning Indonesian Waters in 1982 the United Nations convention on the law of the sea was established by the United Nations now known as U.N close 1982 Indonesia was required to complete its rights and obligation in managing Marine researches based on the provision of U.N close 1982 ratified into law number 17 year 1985 which functioned to complete the arrangement of Maritime boundaries
including Inland Waters territorial assist additional zones exclusive economic zones and Continental Silvers tradition laws and regulation have several pending legal pests that serve as the passes for preventing and eradicating illegal fishing in Indonesia in protecting Indonesian Waters including a the territorial sea and meritime environment Act of 1939 territorial Zee and meritime cringeni stbl 1939 number 442 B love of the Republic of Indonesia number 17 of 1985 concerning ratification of the United Nations convention on the law of the sea or U.N close C law of the Republic of Indonesia number five of 1983 concerning the Indonesian exclusive economic zone the law of the Republic of Indonesia number 17 of 2008 concerning shipping law of the Republic of Indonesia number 32 of 2014 concerning Marine affairs so far as the implementation of Mary timlow enforcement in Indonesia for cracking down on illegal water activities is running quiet effectively where throughout 2020 there were several illegal ships that were successfully secure and legally processed for example the Shang tank hun 66 was successfully captured by the marine and Fisheries resources monitoring Agency on April 21st 2020 the ship was found in the sulava CC with a long line fishing here commonly used to cut tuna the
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ship entered the celibacy on its way back to its home country from a fishing area in the Pacific Ocean a byang arrested the ship was successfully secured and sentenced according to the regulation in force in Indonesia through an auto result Court mechanism seeing the crutch of action appreciation to the government in this case bakama the Nu or paulry Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regional government two local communities who are able to maintain the stability and security of Indonesian watchers from illegal hands and law enforce who are able to bring this case to court in order to have a different to bring this case to court in order to have a determinant effect on foreign criminals however to continue to maintain the implementation of maritime law policies in Indonesia a Synergy and supervision from related parties is needed to be able to cooperate in handing in handling illegal cases and promote a culture of Integrity transparency and objectivity in law enforcement in Indonesia indeed the current illegal fishing has changed the way it operates complete compared to the way it operated in 1990s the crimes of illegal fishing has now become a highly sophisticated from of transitional organized indeed the Cuban illegal fishing has changed the way its operate is concrete indeed the
Cuban illegal fishing has changed the way it operates compared to the way it operated in the 1990s the crime of illegal fishing has now become a highly sophisticated form of transactional organized crime one of which is characterized one of which is characterized by modern shape movement control and modern equipment Fernandez Fernandez 2017. several models of illegal fishing carry out among others by transferring catches from one ship to another in the middle of the sea using a different flag and other devious methods that are often detrimental to the state in this case the government can encourage relevant International cooperation to maintain Maritime sovereignty in Indonesia International cooperation in eradicating illegal and reported an unregulated or IU fishing will facilitate the investigation process the information referred to can be in the form of information about the ship owner this is done so that ship owners but in both individuals and legal Enterprise can be held legally responsible for the crime of IU fishing considering that the Ledger process for the crime of IU in
Indonesia doesn't reach the ship owner other information needed is above the history of ship traffic this is to find out the ship has space and catch fish in any Waters furthermore the condition of Indonesian water which is quite from fishing activities by Indonesian fishermen has triggered foreign facing vessels to carry out illegal fishings the ship are mostly from fight the ship are mostly from Vietnam the Philippines and Malaysia some of the ship from the beginning have made Indonesia as destination for illegal fishing to deal with this the ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has actually met various alternative efforts such as revised the capture fishery production Target revised the capture face reproduction budget in 2020 the ministry of militant Affairs and futurists has actually set official reproduction subject in 2020 of 26.46 million tons with details of 8.02 million Stones Con coming from capture Fisheries 7.45 million tons from culture and 10.99 million tons of Civic okay everyone thank you so much for watching this video until the next one bye bye
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