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The Future Of Energy: Exploring Montpellier's Transition To Green Energy Sources

The Future Of Energy: Exploring Montpellier's Transition To Green Energy Sources

 The Future Of Energy: Exploring Montpellier's Transition To Green Energy Sources - Future mobility, smart cities and a sustainable world are three themes in one comprehensive context. Successful climate change mitigation will not work without a strategy that integrates the energy and transport transition, resource efficiency, infrastructure and digitalization. And the most appropriate level for the implementation of transport problems are smart cities and smart regions, in some cases smart countries such as Singapore.

And this is for several reasons: in 2050, two out of three people in the world and four out of five people in Europe will live in urban areas. Today, cities and urban areas occupy 2% of the earth's surface, but consume 80% of the world's energy supply and produce 75% of global carbon emissions. This is why we must focus on future mobility and smart cities to achieve a sustainable world.

The Future Of Energy: Exploring Montpellier's Transition To Green Energy Sources

The Future Of Energy: Exploring Montpellier's Transition To Green Energy Sources

You will find the detailed PP presentation “Future Mobility, Smart Cities, Sustainable World” at the end of this article. It starts automatically.

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Future mobility, smart cities and a sustainable world: The world's 100 cities account for 18% of global emissions, and in most countries the three largest urban areas account for more than a quarter of national emissions. In this regard, transport is one of the most difficult issues. Not only in Germany, transport is the only sector that emits more carbon dioxide than other sectors compared to 1990 data.

In some major cities, transport is the largest consumer of energy, such as Mexico City, Hong Kong and Cape Town. “In large cities in countries whose economies are growing at a slower pace, the transport sector consumes more than half of all energy used.”

Cities and regions that are the most important habitats for people today and in the future are threatened by climate change: across Europe, summers and winters will become warmer (on average, summer plus 3.5°C and winter plus 4.7°C). “Climate change would be equivalent to a city moving 1000 km further south – 20 km/year – show Thomas Crowther and his team (Understanding climate change from a global analysis of city peers).

But how can we mitigate the impact of transport on the climate? A powerful short-term measure is the concept of mobility as a service (Maas), which can be a useful tool for smart cities and smart regions approaches. “The idea of ​​smart cities is rooted in creating and connecting human capital, social capital and information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure to achieve greater and more sustainable economic development and a better quality of life,” argue Rudolf Giffinger and his team (European Medium Cities Ranking ).

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Mobility as a service “integrates different modes of transport by offering a customized mobility package, similar to a monthly mobile phone contract, and includes other value-added services such as trip planning, booking and payments through a single interface (Hietanen, 2014). This integration of mobility modes represents a transition from the current property-based transport system to an access-based transport system. It offers users a customized, ultra-convenient mobility solution with the promising prospect of replacing the private car” (Perafan Jittrapirom et al., Mobility as a Service: A Critical Review of Definitions, Scheme Assessments, and Key Issues).

Mobility as a service can help, for example, reduce the number of private cars, which today are almost without exception based on internal combustion engine vehicles. These vehicles, especially those with diesel engines, pose a health hazard and pollute the environment with various gases (CO2, NOx) and particulate matter. Further information can be found in the section "Diesel und kein Ende" on this website.

Mobility as a service in the context of Future Mobility, Smart Cities and a Sustainable World is primarily based on the intelligent combination of capabilities and activities of self-sufficient, independent and conscious citizens. MaaS is based on six characteristics: smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobility, smart environment and smart living.

The Future Of Energy: Exploring Montpellier's Transition To Green Energy Sources

There are many examples of how to build and implement mobility as a service, and there are many examples around the world. In Germany, Mobility Within will move MaaS projects from the local or regional level to the national level. “Mobility Inside is the only app our customers need for every travel ticket. Regardless of whether you use a bicycle rental service locally or long-distance,” emphasizes Professor Knut Ringat, Managing Director and Speaker of the Board of the Rhein-Main Verkehrsverbund (RMV).

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Smart cities and regions, as well as mobility as a service, must also be decarbonized. Decarbonization means a huge increase in green electricity (renewable energy) production – for the zero-emission transport sector, as well as for digitalization. But these enormous demands have so far received little recognition. We also need stronger infrastructure for energy and data management.

For example: if only 10% of all cars registered in the US drove fully autonomously, they would generate about 38 zettabytes per day. The global data center's traffic volume today is 11 zettabytes.

A large number of scientific studies and warnings have been published in recent decades - long before Greta Thunberg went on strike and launched the Fridays for Future and Scientists for the Future movements. All these studies and warnings were widely ignored by politicians and most journalists. It's time to remember what all those scientists did, such as John Tyndall, Gilbert Plass and Henry Kendall, Sir Nicholas Stern, the IPCC group, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber and Johan Rockström - and there are hundreds, maybe thousands more scientists. who are still working on the topic - again: widely ignored by those contracted to research climate change, most notably the German government.

German Global Change Advisory Council: Humanity on the Move – Unlocking the Transformative Power of Cities (2016) – Download

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“A carbon-fueled global economy is an unsustainable situation... Making the transition to climate compatibility is as much a moral imperative as abolishing slavery and banning child labor.”

“The injustice here is that the Philippines is a negligible emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG), accounting for only 0.3% of global emissions, but is among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Ketsana or Ondoy in 2009, Haiyan or Yolanda (very powerful and destructive typhoons, JS) in 2013 are just a few examples.”

The Future Of Energy: Exploring Montpellier's Transition To Green Energy Sources

Mobility as a service is a powerful short-term solution for smart mobility in smart cities and regions, and a suitable and affordable tool to combat climate change.

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"Wir werden erst dann beanspruchen können, einen neuen, langfristig lebensfähigen und auch des Daseins werten Ordnungszustand der Biosphäre herbeigeführt zu haben, wenn es uns gelungen sein wird, unser ganzes, globales Wirtschaften in einen gleichge wichti» gen Kreislauf produktiven Auf und Abbauens zu Bringen, der Nicht wie jetzt in atemberaubendem Tempo schädliche Folgen in Form irreversible Umweltbelastungen und -zerstörungen anhäuft.” (Image: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)

“Die Zukunft aber ist in keinem Gremium vertreten: sie ist keine Kraft, die ihr Gewicht in die Waagschale werfen kann.” Das Nichtexistente Hat keine Lobby, und die Ungeborenen sind machtlos.”

“Wir brauchen eine Leitwissenschaft, welche den Menschen und die menschliche Gesellschaft fest und nachweisbar in das tatsächliche Netz Planetarischer  Beziehungen einbaut.”

Anthropozän Auto Aviation CO2 Dekarbonisierung Diesel Digitalisierung Dirk Kannacher Energiewende Ethik Ethik der Mobilität EU Frankfurt Frankfurter Rundschau FrankfurtRheinMain Fridays for Future GLS Bank Hans Jonas Hans Jonas Institut HOLM ICCT Initiativkreis Metropolregion FrankfurtRheinMain Jürgen Schultheis Klimaneu tralität Klimawandel Kohlen dioxide Logistics Metropolregion Mobility Mobilität Nachhaltigkeit Prof. Dr. Michael Bongardt Quantum Computing Radverkehr RMV Sustainability Transformation Transport Verkehr Verkehrswende Vittorio Hösle Wasserstoff WBGU Ökosystemleistung ÖPNV

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“People haven't understood enough the importance of the next 20 years. These will be the most decisive two decades in human history."

"Jeder, der glaubt, exponentielles Wachstum kann andauernd weitergehen in einer endlichen Welt, ist entweder verrückt oder ein Ökonom."

"Es wird eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben der Ethik des Jahrhunderts der Umwelt sein, dem Infinitismus der Moderne abzusagen und zum Maß zurückzufinden... Der Mensch wird viele der Bedürfnisse abstreifen müssen, die er sich in den letzten vierzig Jahren zu gelegt Hat und die der Umwelt schaden, ja deren Universalisierung die Erde zerstören müsste." Image: University of Notre Dame.

The Future Of Energy: Exploring Montpellier's Transition To Green Energy Sources

"Die Transformation zur Klimaverträglichkeit is the moral requirement that is necessary to Abschaffung der Sklaverei und die Ächtung der Kinderarbeit."

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“Schmeicheln wir uns indes nicht zu sehr mit unsren menschlichen Siegen über die Natur. Für jeden solchen Sieg rächt sie sich an uns.”

"Die Gegenwart konsumiert die Zukunft: hier kommt das Prinzip des sich selbst überschreitenden Wachstums Final zu sich selbst." Image: Martin Craft / CC BY-SA 3.0

“Der Kapitalismus ist eine Gesellschaftsordnung, die von sich aus kein Maß kennt. Maß und Maßstab müssen von außen an ihn herangetragen und gegen seine seine Dynamik durchgesetzt werden.” Image: Stefan Röhl

"Volkswirtschaftler müssen sich schon immer dessen bewusst gewesen sein, dass eine Steigerung von Wohlstand nicht endlos sein kann." Photo: London Stereoscopic Company / GmGemeinfrei

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“In the digital universe, knowledge is reduced to the status of information. Who will ever remember that knowledge is to information in the same way that art is to kitsch—that information is the lowest kind of knowledge, because it is the most external?”

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