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"tips For Making The Most Of Your Travel Insurance While Exploring Australia"

"tips For Making The Most Of Your Travel Insurance While Exploring Australia"

 "tips For Making The Most Of Your Travel Insurance While Exploring Australia" - There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now about what the fall will look like for school-goers. If you have a child entering college, high school, or elementary school, there's a very real possibility that some or all of their classes will be online. Online classes are a great way to help ensure your child gets the education they need when they can't be in the classroom, and that may not be an option. Here are some tips for getting the most out of online classes.

If your child is a visual learner or a hands-on learner, online classes may be difficult for them. The best way to handle online classes is to treat them like you would an in-person class. Check-in to your class, attend a lecture, or work while you would normally be in that class. This will help ensure that your classwork is on time and that you don't fall behind. You can even take their classes from a desk if you think it will help.

"tips For Making The Most Of Your Travel Insurance While Exploring Australia"

Balancing school, housework, and everything else can be a challenge. The phrase "do your homework when you get home from school" doesn't work in online classes! Teaching your kids how to practice time management will help them move through their coursework faster and avoid burnout. Keep a planner of their assignments and deadlines to help make sure they don't miss projects, tests, or anything else that might come up during the school year. If they struggle with time management, you need to help them create a schedule for their classwork.

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Make a special place in your home for studying. It should have all the things they need to do their schoolwork and homework. If you want to include extra learning activities, try to fit them into this space as best you can. This should be your school zone and where the school is held. When you take classes from home, it can be difficult to leave school at the desk and help make it easier.

There is no shame in asking office hours or a teacher for help. If your child doesn't understand the topic or needs extra help, encourage them to contact or email the teacher after the lecture. Teachers want to help your children get a quality education and are more than happy to answer any questions. They may even be willing to set up a call so your child can talk to them directly when it works best for both of you.

Online classes are a love-hate relationship in our household. While we love that our kids don't have to miss school, there can be some frustrating parts of the process. Hope this post helped you to see the light in this time of online learning and prepare well for what lies ahead.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and buying through them, I may receive a small commission. These small purchases help me continue writing and creating content on Rachel Teodoro. Thanks! Most professionals have a LinkedIn profile these days. However, more than 45% admit that theirs is outdated.

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Fortunately, there is a way to revitalize your LinkedIn presence, and perhaps surprisingly, it's worth starting with one section of your profile.

Most people know their profile header – the section that appears as a title in your name and describes what you do – and the About section is important to get right.

However, the experience category is often left to gather dust. Many people forget to update it or are not even sure about what is relevant or important to include in this section.

But it's time to pay more attention to that! Many recruiters and clients who hire contractors will quickly scroll through your information section to get to the experience section of your LinkedIn profile.

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In fact, when people are searching for professionals in a specific industry or field, did you know that LinkedIn uses this section as one of the key areas of your profile for key information?

My goal with this post is to provide you with several ways to update and improve your profile's experience section. These tips are simple and take very little time to implement.

Include only relevant jobs or positions that speak to your skills as a translator or interpreter and the type of work you would most like to do in the future. It's great that you've had other jobs in the past, but if they don't support the type of work you want to do, you don't need to list them.

For example, I've taught at three universities, and while I didn't want these types of jobs, they were all jobs that spoke to my skills and background in languages. This is why I keep people under my current job/post job experience in my profile. However, I did not list the jobs I had in college working at a local restaurant or smoothie bar. Both of these positions are completely different than the job I want most and are irrelevant to my potential clients, so it's best to leave them out of the mix.

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Instead of listing, explain where you worked, your title, and the number of years you held a position. Tell people what you did while you were there and the types of results you brought to the company or organization.

Offer potential clients a glimpse into the impact of your work and the good things you accomplished while you were there. Take a look at these updated job descriptions under the My Experience section.

Note that I talked about my work in the first person. This is the time to share what you have done and reiterate your expertise in a certain area. When developing descriptions of your previous experience, portray the results of your work with confidence. When possible, share statistics or specifics so clients can get an idea of ​​your effectiveness and drive.

Keywords are heavy in the experience section of your LinkedIn profile, so it's important to use them well. However, that doesn't mean you have to keyword stuff your profile. Instead, pinpoint the natural search terms used by your potential clients and include them in your profile and especially in the experience section.

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Take the example I showed above. My potential clients may search for one of my working languages ​​(Spanish or Portuguese). Or, they may be looking for someone who can write or speak these languages. They may be looking for someone with advanced proficiency in one of these languages. Knowing this, I have written my experience descriptions to reflect my work when using potential keywords that help my profile rank higher in search results for these terms.

When highlighting your experience, make sure you talk about what's important to your ideal clients. You don't need to write a laundry list of every job you've ever undertaken in your previous positions, but be sure to talk about your work in a way that lets clients understand how your experience and work style can benefit them. !

Make your experience section readable, not rigid. Don't read this section of your profile like an autobiography. Keep it concise — don't force your potential clients to find what they're looking for. Speech copy is the norm these days. Easy to read and digest. So, write to your clients as if you were talking to them or emailing them.

Mention what you enjoyed about the job in your experience section, and include visuals where possible. At the time of this post, LinkedIn allows you to upload the following file types: .pdf, .ppt/.pptx, .doc/.docx, .jpg/.jpeg, .png, and .gif (up to 100 MB in size).

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You can write up to 2,000 characters in experience descriptions, so make good use of this space and make it count. However, remember that you want to engage potential clients, so if you can say a little more, that's okay too!

Finally, make your experience section feel like you. Be unique, stand out in front of your clients and don't look like the next person offering similar services. Don't forget to keep updating your profile and experience! Even if you've been freelancing for over 20 years, your profile could use a tweak from time to time to attract clients who want to work with you more in the future.

What areas of the Experience section of your LinkedIn profile could use an update? Do you have any additional tips to share with our colleagues?

Need more help with your LinkedIn profile or presence? Find great clients using LinkedIn or sign up for a 1-on-1 coaching session with me.

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