The Death on the High Seas Act
welcome to my Channel please like comment and subscribe the teeth on the hack C is if you have lost a loved one at Sea and the cause of death was negligence to file or a wrongful X you may be entitled to personally to make stroke the teeth on the hex CX or t-o-s-c-a the expense in 1920 as a way to provide compensation for the families of semen killed on the job well ought to see being ought to to see is always tricks and when there is negligence of defile of some kind involve it it increases the risks even more if your loved one died in this way ignore your rights and rally on and experience it Maritime lawyer to help you make a claim and then about qualifying for do HSA compensations this Federal ex provides compensation from the surviving dependent family members of those workers who die out at Sea the teeth must have occurred three or more nothing nautical males from the U.S show the eggs also only covers those who died working abroad a commercial vessel privately honored and the non-commercial ship are not covered by the two tea t-o-s-s-a anyone who qualifies as a dependent of the digest May file a claim under the g-o-s-s-a to see compensations this means someone who was paying financially supported by the kill worker and could include a sports children siblings parents grandparents or grandchildren's a dependent feeling Acclaim must be about to probe that negligence an appropriate judgments or a wrongful acts on the part of the ship owner contribute the teeth of the semen it also must be proven that's the vessel was unsure Worthy there are many situations that could qualify under this greatness for instance if your loved one worker approach a sip with equipment that was not properly maintained that represented but negligence on the part of the owner and a unsure worthy vessel if that equipment caused an accident that lead to the teeth of a worker his or higher dependent could make a claim through d-o-s-s-a the t-o-s-s-a also applies to commercial ice cream and aviation's
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accident if a plane cross a cure Beyond 12 Neptune nautical Mills from the U.S sure dependent of those skill can see non-personially the mix this mean d makes for things like the loss of Comforts companionships and care and then next about compensation under t-o-s-s-a if a love one of a decision semen can prove that the owner was negligence and that the vessel was anti-words he or she can make a claim through the t-o-s-s-r for compensation the law states that those claimants will be opportunist recovery according to the extents of the loose are awarded to cover a number of goods relate to the loss of the semen this may include loose current and future financial support for dependence funeral course expenses for any counseling relate to the teeth Las Vegas honor to expose our other dependents including pension and benefits the cause of household surface provided by the diseases like lawn care and maintenance and then next about limitation of d o s s a compensation the t-o-s-s-a does not covers all cause related to the decreases or to all family members of the workers and expose is not intelligence to recover any demix not art at all children not living at home dependent children may receive compensation until they are active or longer if they attend colleagues or another high her education Institution also does not profiles for non-personary teammates except for the dependence of the tcsid will meet the affection accident requirement this type of D mix for metal and waste pain and suffering and Grave are not covered by t-o-s-s-r but they are covered by other federal meritime laws like the Jonas eggs there is also a Statewide of limitation for making a claim under these eggs a claim must be made within three years of the fatal accident the process of determining negligence and of calculating Las Vegas and other factors to decide on compensation are complicated and takes times for the reason if you need to file a dossr claim it is recommended due to it as soon after the death as possible and then about dossr and contributory negligence in situation in which the text decreases was negligent in the accident in some way dependent family members are not denied compensation the negligence on the part of the diseases that contribute to his or Heritage is considered so it can cause the amount of demix recovered by dividend to be reduced from what it would have been if the decision was found not to be negligence thank you for watching this article don't forget give like comment and subscribe
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