Ocean and The Law Of The Sea
welcome to my Channel please like comment and subscribe in this article we are going to talk about oceans and the law of the sea life itself arose from the oceans the ocean is fast and covers 140 million square miles some 72 percent of the Earth's surface the ocean has always been an important source of food for the life it helped generate and from earliest recorded history it asks it has also served trade and commerce adventure and Discovery it has spreaded and brought people together even now when the continents have been met and the inter Interiors meet accessible by Road River and air most of the world's people live no more La no more than two 200 miles from the sea and relate course literally freedom of disease the ocean had a long been subject to the freedom of the cyst Doctrine a principal put forth in a 70th Century essentially limited national rights and jurisdiction over the ocean to a narrow seat belt surrounding a nation's Coastline the rest of the Seas were declared free for all and belonged to known while the situation lasted into the 20th century by mid-century
there was an impetus ex and National claims of our official resources there was a growing concern over the soul was taken on Coastal fish Stocks by long distance fishing clips and over the threat of a pollution and restage of the transport special and all tankers carrying axis caricos that plot that played a sea roads across the globe the threat of pollution was always present for a coastal result and all form of the ocean Slide the Nevis of the maritime Powers were accompanying for what presents in surface waters and even under the sea United Nation law of the sea convention or un or even cause the national uh the United Nation in is working to ensure the peaceful Cooperative legality plan uses for disease and notion for the individual and common benefit of humankind virgin calls for an effective in the National regime which offered the seabed and the ocean for Beyond a clearly defined national jurisdiction set in a motion a process that spent 15 years and saw the creation of the United Nations see bad committee the signing of the thready penny nuclear weapons on the seabed adoption of the general assemblies declaration that all see bad resources beyond the limits of National Security jurisdiction are the common Heritage of a Mankind and the company of the Stockholm conference on the human
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environment the u.n's groundbreaking work in adopting in 1982 law of the City Convention stands as a defining moment in the extension of the international love to the vast shared water resources of our planet the convention has resolved several important issues related to Oceans usage and sovereignty such as established freedom of notification rights said territorial sea boundaries 12 miles offshore such exclusive economic zones up to 200 miles of Sur and set rules for extending Continental self-rights up to 350 months observed created the international seabed Authority created other perfect resolution mechanism for example U.N Commission on the limits of the Continental shell and then protection of marine environment and biodiversity the UN environment program or unep particularly through its regencies program acts to protect oceans and seas and promote the sustainable use of American resources the regional systems companion and action plans is the world on legal framework for protective oceans and cysts at the regional level unep also created the global program of action for the protection of the Merit environment from the land-based activity it is the only Global intergovernmental mechanism directly addressing the link between terrestrial freshwater Coastal and modern ecosystem United Nation educational scientific and cultural organization are UNESCO through its intergovernmental oceanographic commission coordinates programs in Marine research observing system Hazard mitigation and better managing ocean and Coastal area the national Maritime organization or IMO is the key event Nation Institution for the development of international medicine law it is means house is to create a fair and effective generally accepted environment implemented legal framework for the shipping industry Maryland shipping and pollution to ensure that shipping is cleaner and Greener IMO has adopted regulation to address
the emission of air pollution from ships and has adopted bending Energy Efficiency measures to reduce greenhouse gas emission from international shipping this includes the landmark International Convention where the prevention of a pollution from ships of 1973 as Modified by 1978 protocol or Marple at the 1954 International Conference for prevention of pollution of the Sea by oil and then polar code in 2017 in a national called four ships operating in polar Waters of world Court entered into Forest polarco to cover the full range of design construction equipment operational training search and rescue and environment protection matters elephant ships operating in the inhospitable water surrounding the two poles it was an important regulatory development in the field of transport and trade facilitation alongside a range of regulatory development relating to the American Security environment issues and then piracy in recent years there has been a surge in a piracy of the course of Somalia and in the Gulf of the journey Pirates attack are the danger to the welfare of the seafarers and uh security of navigation and commerce at this com criminal acts Marissa in the laws of Life physical harm or hostage taking of a seafars and significant disruption to Commerce and navigation uh Financial losses to soup owners increase in insurance premium and security costs increase costs to Consumer and producers and damage
their memory environment Pirates attack can have a widespread Grammy fish occasion including preventing humanitarian assistance and increasing the cost of future shipment to the affected areas the IMO IMO and un has adopted additional resolution to complement the rules in the law of the sea convention for dealing with piracy the United Nation official office and drugs and crime are through its Global Marketing crime program combat transnational organized crime in Africa frequency of countering piracy of the Horn of Africa and Gulf of June and the program has delivered to part two states in the region by covering our trials and improve influence imprisonment I mean of piracy suspect as well as developing Maritime law enforcement capabilities through the facilitation of training programs from the piracy prosecution moral prisoners transfer and training of the members in the judicial system of the Atlanta an Indian oceans to full-time mentoring to Coast Guard and police units in Somalia Kenya and Ghana and the unotc gmcp has accomplished many successes in a challenging environment this has been achieved through a variety of programs aimed at promoting meriting safety and fostering the countries rule of law and jurisdiction and justice system I think that's all the information that I can say to you guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to give like comment and subscribe bye
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