"diving Into The Blue: Scuba Travel Insurance For European Underwater Explorations"
"diving Into The Blue: Scuba Travel Insurance For European Underwater Explorations" - Swann, executive director of the dive center, spends a lot of time in the water with Kota Kinabalu's wildlife, according to his Facebook page. He recently went for a bath hoping to find something special.
"I chose the dive site because we recently saw a lot of fish life at the site," he wrote in a post on April 19. . "
"diving Into The Blue: Scuba Travel Insurance For European Underwater Explorations"
Then something unusual caught Swanna's attention A 7-foot blue marlin was hunting, Swann said.
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"I got the shock of my life," Swan wrote. "The very common and very rare creatures circled me twice before disappearing out of the blue!"
"I am very lucky to be close and hold a camera in my hands," he wrote.
According to National Geographic, this fish is among the fastest and largest fish in the ocean They have a distinctive cobalt blue color, silver body and spear-like jaws
These fish generally inhabit the "warm surface waters" of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They can grow up to 14 feet and weigh about 2,000 pounds A diver at the Blue Hole, a 120m deep sinkhole near Dahab that has claimed many lives. Image: Alamy Stock Photo
Blue Hole Dahab
The 'underwater cathedral' on the edge of the Red Sea is arguably the most dangerous dive site in the world - even for experts like Dublin-born Stephen Keenan. What is behind its fearsome reputation?
This summer the bars and restaurants of Dahab have become frequent occurrences among the main group diving fraternity in this Egyptian coastal resort. "If it can happen to Steve, it can happen to anyone," he said.
Last month, Stephen Keenan, 39 and from Dublin, drowned while supervising world diving record holder Alessia Zecchini. The 25-year-old Italian fell into disarray while trying to cross the Red Sea's Blue Hole "Arc" using just one breath. Keenan helped him and brought him to the surface. He escaped unharmed, but left and found a face floating away
As a safety diver, Keenan was one of the best in the business His death cast a shadow over the summer and served as a reminder of the dangers involved in negotiating what is one of the world's most dangerous dive sites.
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The Blue Hole is a 120 meter deep hole, five miles north of Dahab Its nickname is "Divers Grave". Yet thousands of people flock here every year, unsettled by the number of plaques hanging on opposite peaks to mark those who never returned.
Without public records, it is difficult to say how many people lost their lives Divers in Dahab in recent years suggest up to 200 One person who doesn't dare to guess is 53-year-old Tariq Omar. A technical diver from Dahab, Omar began exploring the Blue Hole in 1992, fascinated by stories of a curse when an unwanted wedding party sank there. Omar gained fame in 1997 when he found the bodies of Conor O'Regan and Martin Gaara. They are the first bodies to be removed from the Blue Hole, he said. Since then, he says, he's pulled more than 20 bodies from the water, earning him the dark nickname "the bone collector."
In recent years, as technical diving (a type of diving that usually involves breathing special gas mixtures) has become fashionable, Omar's death rate has risen. While the death of divers like Keenan is also a constant concern, the sport gained popularity after Luc Besson's 1988 film.
Some argue that as long as divers do their homework and are careful, the Blue Hole's fearsome reputation isn't worth it. "It's not too dangerous," says coach Alex Hayes. Originally from Preston, Hayes, 32, moved to Dahab seven years ago to run the H2O Centre. He has entered the Blue Hole several times and attributed the large number of deaths to "stupid people". He claims that most deaths are largely the result of hubris. "People dive 100 times and think they know everything, but they're not ready for that depth. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing," he says.
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Most of the dead were trying to swim under the bow. According to Hayes, this challenge is what Kilimanjaro is for climbers. At 56 meters below, the beach stopped, revealing a cavernous, 26-metre-long tunnel from the Blue Hole to the open sea. Those who descend 100 meters face a 50 meter opening towards the Red Sea "It's great," Hayes says. "There's nothing else like it. It's like standing in an underwater cathedral."
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But it can be frustrating Divers reported seeing a light coming from the tunnel and swam to it, believing it to be the surface. At these depths it is possible to suffer from a condition called nitrogen narcosis, in which breathing the gas at high pressure causes mental and sometimes physical damage. Dr. James Caruso, chief medical examiner in Denver, Colorado and an avid diver, calls narcosis the "martini effect," where the alcohol level increases as the diver goes deeper.
Like alcohol, it affects everyone differently, but no one is immune, Caruso says, and if a diver goes deep enough, they will lose consciousness. Add this to oxygen toxicity, where the gas becomes toxic at high pressure, and anyone who continues to breathe at this depth is on borrowed time.
It is possible to suppress this effect by using special equipment Technical divers like Omar and Hess often swim under the dome, but it's an expensive hobby that requires a lot of training, and doesn't want to put in many hours. As Omar says, they want to get into deep water before they get into deep learning
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Jurij Lipsky was one of them. Arguably the most famous diving death in the Blue Hole, a diving instructor from Russia and Israel became famous in diving circles in 2000 after he recorded the death on a helmet camera.
Omar met Lipsky an hour before the sinking "He wanted to shoot a bow," says Omar. "I said, OK, first you need two weeks of training with me, and then we'll shoot." After only one weekend in the city, Lipsky rejected Omar's offer and left alone
A YouTube video, which has been viewed nearly 10 million times, shows Lipsky's final moments. Almost immediately, he left his bathing buddy and began to descend quickly "It was too heavy for its excitement," says Omar, who thinks the extra weight of the camera may have weighed it down. "It passes the point where narcosis begins and at 80 meters it is under sea control." The video ends at the seven minute mark when a batsman pulls out Lipski's controller The next morning, Omar recovered his body from 92 meters below the surface.
Safety precautions are gradually introduced as the game develops a self-regulation system Although some dive centers allow single-tank divers to descend, this is a popular crowd. Unqualified divers are now prohibited from entering the Blue Hole. Along with more common sense rules, Hess thinks the so-called "grave divers" deserve a new name "If you look at the world's recent deaths, blue holes are at the bottom," he says. Even if you compare Egypt and England, I think England is worse now.
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But as divers continue to push the boundaries of the sport, new dangers are never far behind Omar said he never believed in the curse of the Blue Hole, but after 20 years out of his body, he is sure of one thing. "Those who swim here have created their own curse," he says. 'The experience had a profound effect on me'... Bev Thomas diving on the Great Barrage Reef in 1996.
I was working on a boat on the Great Barrier Reef when two crew members began a 20-minute dive. When the rescue helicopters returned hours later, there was still no sign
Many years ago, I took six months off from my job as a psychologist in the NHS to travel around the world But when I fell in love with diving and got a job as a cook on a dive boat on the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia, I called my boss in England to say I wasn't coming back.
After two days at the diving school, students will board a boat for a three-day trip They came to me with their concerns:
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